The rights have just been picked up
Inner City Pressure: The Story of Grime, the acclaimed book by author and journalist Dan Hancox, is potentially set to become a TV series.
The book follows grime from its roots and inception in East London at the turn of the century, its decline and its recent resurgence, where Skepta, Stormzy and more have started dominating the UK charts.
Published earlier this year, the TV rights to the book have been picked up by Pulse Films and Paramount television.
“I think people really recognise that you can’t tell the story of grime without telling the story of the city and society around it,” Hancox said of the news.
“And likewise, if you want to understand London, its politics, poverty, riots, gentrification, frustrations, tensions and joys, there’s no better insight into the first two decades of 21st century London than grime.”
Earlier this year, Hancox spoke to NME about his book, the government’s attempts to quash the genre, and the links between grime and punk.
“There’s a similar ‘use-once-and-destroy’ culture. That manifests itself through the fact you might have a new MC with an absolutely killer tune that everybody’s falling over themselves to praise, and then they’ll just disappear the next month,” he said.
“The other thing is just the sheer adrenaline of the music – moshpits in the clubs because the music is just so thrilling and cathartic and energetic.”
In less conventional grime news, the actor Tom Hardy is reportedly working on his own grime album, after an old mixtape from the star emerged online.
The ‘Falling On Your Arse 1999’ mix tape was uploaded online at the beginning of 2018, and saw the actor winning plaudits for tracks including ‘Rented Suit Plastic Shoes’.
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